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Both teams presented their year-long space botany research results in front of a panel of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists and collaborators in the Annual Growing Beyond Earth (GBE) Student Research Symposium on April 23, 2022.
Dow High Space Farmers Margaret E. Hitt, Jessica Chai, Nimai Patel, Aaron Li, and Genevieve Hong presented “Effects of LED Spectral Composition on Celesta F1 Radishes Grown in Simulated NASA Growth Chambers.”
Jefferson Space Farmers Sanvi Patel, Cailyn Liu, Luvya Dhar, and Preston Komara presented ‘Low Green Light Intensity on Celeste F1 Radish Growth’ and suggested using green LED light to grow radish plants aboard the ISS.
Both teams presented their year-long space botany research results in front of a panel of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists and collaborators in the Annual Growing Beyond Earth (GBE) Student Research Symposium on April 23, 2022.
Since the fall of 2021, students from Jefferson Middle School and H. H. Dow High School simulated the International Space Station (ISS) plant growing conditions to grow radishes and investigated how light-emitted diode (LED) grow lights affect plant growth.
Both teams presented their year-long space botany research results in front of a panel of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists and collaborators in the Annual Growing Beyond Earth (GBE) Student Research Symposium on April 23.
They competed among 70 (out of 287 GBE participating schools) qualified schools from 14 states nationwide and three countries (U.S., Canada, and Trinidad) and took home outstanding awards.
Jefferson Space Farmers Sanvi Patel, Cailyn Liu, Luvya Dhar and Preston Komara presented "Low Green Light Intensity on Celeste F1 Radish Growth" and suggested using green LED light to grow radish plants aboard the ISS. The Jefferson Space Farmer team was mentored by JMS Science Teacher Christine Brillhart. They impressed the NASA judges with their collaborative research and presentation and earned a Special Merit for Effective Teamwork Award.
Dow High Space Farmers Margaret E. Hitt, Jessica Chai, Nimai Patel, Aaron Li and Genevieve Hong presented “Effects of LED Spectral Composition on Celesta F1 Radishes Grown in Simulated NASA Growth Chambers.” The Dow High Space Farmer team was mentored by Lisa S. Tsay.
Their research recommended an optimal LED light treatment for more compact, nutritious, and robust radishes during human space exploration to the moon and Mars. The NASA judges showed great interest in their experiment methodology and research data analysis on nutrients and microbes. The Charger team won second place in this tight contest.
These young Space Farmers are part of the efforts to support NASA’s goal to provide astronauts fresh vegetables and fruits in long-term spaceflights.
Their research projects were funded by GBE (a NASA STEM Education Initiative) through the collaboration between Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Florida and NASA’s Exploration Research and Technology programs.